How To Clean Glass Table Tops And Windows


When your home is all clean and sparkly, the last thing you want is for it to be marred by smears on your windows and glass table tops. As such, it is essential that you learn ways to clean glass and give them that streak-free sheen.

One of the best ways to clean glass countertops and windows is to use a streak-free window cleaner. While you could go for a commercial cleaner, it is worth noting that some commercial cleaners tend to leave some residue. At the same time, they will set you back a few dollars all the while you could create your very own streak-free window cleaner at a fraction of the cost. And here are a few homemade options:

Solution #1: Equal parts distilled water and white vinegar\ Solution #2: Two quarts of warm water and two tablespoons of ammonia\ Solution #3: Two quarts of water and two tablespoons of dishwashing liquid

Once you have concocted your streak-free window cleaner, the next thing you need to do is to pick a cleaning tool. While the natural choice for most people would be a squeegee, it isn’t the best option since it requires some fancy wrist action and some finesse. The best tool to use to clean glass table tops and windows is either a microfiber cloth or a coffee filter. In the end, both options are a bit easier to use and yield just about the same streak-free sheen a properly-wielded squeegee would.

To clean glass, mist your window or tabletop with the cleaning solution you mixed. For windows, consider starting at the top and slowly work your way down. Once you have misted the glass, gently wipe the homemade cleaning solution from the glass using your microfiber cloth or coffee filter. If the filter or cloth gets too damp, use a new one. How do you know when to switch to a new fabric or filter? When you start to see streaks.

When it comes to cleaning glass surfaces like windows and glass countertops, moderation is key. If you spray too much cleaning solution on the glass, expect to get streaks. That is because the solution overspray has to go somewhere. And since your microfiber or coffee filter cannot absorb all the liquid, you will only end up smearing the solution – along with dust and dirt – all over your countertop or window instead of wiping it off the glass.

When finished, give your glass surface a once over to ensure that there aren’t any smudges remaining. If there are, do not panic. You can easily buff them off using a dry microfiber cloth or coffee filter.

That is all there is to know about the best ways to clean windows and glass surfaces.

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